In a previous post, I had mentioned that I was going to be shifting my shooting mentality. That is nearly 100% a result of when I recently shared this image. I mentioned in the post that there are two ways to capture an image. You can either work to get it as close to perfect in camera, or capture as much information as possible and make it perfect in post. This image was the latter because that is how I have been shooting over the past several years. Neither way are “wrong” or “right”. They are two sides of the same creative coin. However, one of my goals is to be able to finally shoot with some amazing publications.
I shared this image on Instagram and used the hashtag #NatGeoYourShot. The theme this month was personal discoveries. Since the Badlands represent some pretty significant personal growth, I thought I would toss it up. Unfortunately, I read some of the terms if they choose to feature your image. They require very minimal editing, so essentially they want it perfect right out of camera. Then I got the message…from NatGeo…asking if I would like to submit it to be used. I was both flattered and heart broken. I could not believe that the NatGeo YourShot team noticed my image and asked if I wanted to submit. I mean…WOW. Unfortunately, this image has a bit more than just basic adjustments done to it. There are three gradient adjustments for exposure, then saturation and contrast adjustments of course. Sure, there is next to no manipulation aside from me removing an annoying light way off in the distance. But, it doesn’t fall into the criteria.
Next time National Geographic…next time.