I have never photographed a horse show. I just knew my daughter wanted to go because she loves horses, and the show was in town. So I grabbed my fast camera and a fast telephoto zoom, and went to see what I could capture.
I don’t know what this event is called. It’s a series of poles that they do a slalom through. I knew I would need a fast shutter to stop any action, so I cranked the ISO up to 6400 (not an issue on the D500) and was able to pull off a 1/1000 shutter speed in the lighting I had. I had done a few other events before, so I was back in the swing of panning with the subject which was also help to reduce motion (though at that shutter speed wasn’t as much of an issue).
Will I do more? Sure, why not. It was a fun experience and if anything, I can apply the things I learned that day to other events in the future.