Last summer, one of the main roads to and from the small town that I am currently “living in” (it’s complicated) was closed to add a roundabout. It was closed for about 2 months or so, and while an inconvenience for drivers, it gave the wildlife in the area a little more room to play.
This red fox was part of a bigger group that I spotted when turning onto the detour before the closure. There were about 5 of them that I could see, and they were having a ball playing with each other. I watched for a while, enjoying the antics. Making slow moves closer, but still keeping a safe distance, this one spotted me and stood there for a few seconds wondering what I was doing. At the time, I was laying on the ground with my big lens. Clearly, I took the chance to snap a pic.
Similarly, during the COVID lock downs when travel was minimal, and natural spaces had far less human interaction, the wildlife flourished. It was also stunning to see the reports at how quickly we saw reductions in signs of pollution. Rivers were clearing, and the air quality in many large cities was improving. It’s almost like we humans directly influence the world around us and make it worse. Though, I shouldn’t talk too much about that. I might end up sounding like a tie dye wearing hippy who cares about the planet. Oh, wait.
Make love, not war!
Love your Mother (earth).
We only have one planet we can live on. While one day we will travel to other planets that harbor life, it won’t be in the near future. Let’s not screw this one up.