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Mountain Bluebird

This is what I suspect is a Mountain Bluebird. I found this plump little guy at Badlands NP. Nikon D500 and AFS 200-500 f5.6 1/400 f5.6 ISO 400

There are so many cool birds out west. Then again, there are really cool birds pretty much everywhere if you look around. Even the ones we see frequently can be fun to watch and see. This is what I believe is a mountain bluebird. Could be a western as well, but not sure. One image match thing suggested an eastern bluebird, but I don’t think the coloring is right for that.

At any rate, blue is a favorite color of mine. Out in the Badlands, these guys and other blue birds are all over. Though my favorite bird to listen to is actually the cliff sparrow. I love their chatter between them. They are so busy and talkative. Plus, their construction skills are pretty solid. Maybe I will share an image of them next?

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